Inspired by Nature.

Inspired by Nature.

 "Where do you find inspiration?"

It is the most frequently asked question in my interviews. I figured why not answer it for my readers. Amongst the many places, I find inspiration, being in nature is my favorite.

I enjoy going on nature walks with my family and when I do, it is a fun experience. However, it is also an opportunity for me to connect with nature.

The beautiful sounds of birds chirping sets the stage for a happy mood and free spirit. The water rushing upon the rocks and sometimes on my bare feet, helps me to clear my mind and spark my imagination. The sound of the leaves rustling in the wind whispers words in my ears. Then, I just begin to write.

Nature is filled with exciting things to see and touch. For example, these glossy irregular-shaped rocks I found in the water. 



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Where do you find inspiration to write or do what you enjoy? I would love to hear. Please leave a comment below.

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